Friday 18 February 2011

It's Just A Name

It has just occurred to me that I have not explained my name choice properly. I have already said that I am a Whovian (a Doctor Who fan), and the Song part comes from that. I love the image of The Doctor and River Song, so what happened if River had some adopted child? That is where the surname came from.

I also found I was writing a lot of Doctor Who fanfics with my character being part TimeLord (or Lady!). I have also always had a thing about the Phoenix, and as Phoenixes seem to live forever, the name Phoenix and TimeLord combined seemed to work. Thus, Phoenix Song was born (metaphorically speaking).

I have no clue where 'Yellow Jane' comes from, but I am sure they will tell me. :)

1 comment:

  1. My dear, you wish to know where Yellow Jane comes from? You could A look on my blog, or B, read the comment!

    In younger years, me and my sister played a game with little figures. One of my first characters soon became my all-time favoate, and that character was called Yellow Jane!
    Hope your happy now. :)
