Thursday 11 October 2012

Expect the Expected

He asked if he could talk to me in private today. I think I knew then.

He said he trusts me more than he does most other people. Except that he likes me, just not in the way I like him.

I can cope with that. To be frank, even being friends with him was more than I could ever have dreamed of. He does deserve better than me, and I learned that I can have friends. I hate to say this, but it is a bit like practice for later life- knowing there are some people that I just cannot have and will have to get over.

It was much sweeter and easier than I thought it would be. I could think clearly and plan my words this time. He put his arm round me and his head on my shoulder. I would have melted inside normally. But this time I just didn't really connect.

It's going to take a while, but I will be able to let it go and start to just stop thinking about how I look to him. I've run out of guys in my school to like like, so I can just relax more. I wish him all the best for the future he deserves.

I am so grateful that he was so calm and mature. And I am glad I said it.


  1. This is utter rubbish!!! Wtf do u mean 'he deserves better than me'?????? He told u he ddnt love u back! That doesnt mean ur on a different level! Any guy wd be lucky to have u and that comment sucks. Coz its not true! Just because he doesnt feel the same doesnt feel the same doesnt mean he deserves better it means he has been honest and said he doesnt love u, ok?:/x

    1. He can do better in terms of relationships. We are just so alike we wouldn't find anything to have different opinions on, and I have never met anyone so kind. As I said, I'm dead happy to have him as a friend.
      I don't really think I want a relationship now anyway.

    2. I don't think I'm not good enough. I just think he can aim higher and reacher there. I'm on the same level.
      There's someone out there for me. I just need to be patient and live a little!

  2. True, true... But you obviously do want a relationship now or you wouldn't have said anything. x

    1. Well after that it made me think a bit.
      I think it's because there isn't anyone else. If I find someone, I will want a relationship then. But for now I've just got to get the whole relationships thing out of my head and just be friends with him. :) x
