Sunday 26 May 2013

The Ten Best Films So Far (in my opinion)

So Yellow Jane published a post about what he thought were the best films, so I thought I would give it a go!
In no particular order, my ten favourite films are:

1) Hot Fuzz- what can I say? I have seen it about 5 times and still laughed until I had to pause it to breathe! I'm a massive fan of comedy films and the Frost/Pegg combination kills me.

2) Up- I know. I'm a teenager. But come on! The first 8 minutes told one of the most emotional stories I have ever seen. Oh and it is very cute! The feels I get from watch are second to none.

3) Thor- it's not just because I'm a Hiddlestoner. Although the plot wasn't the strongest I've seen, I enjoyed it greatly and it has Chris Hemsworth taking his top off.

4) Marvel Avengers Assemble- No explanation needed.

5) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey- I would kill for the Hobbit life- those fuzzy little feet, the hair, second breakfasts and the cosy little houses in the sided of hills. I'm going on an adventure through the stunning scenery of New Zealand!

6) Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason- a perfect film for watching whilst crying into a tub of ice-cream. With wonderfully cringe-worthy and positively unrealistic moments I'm amazed I love it so much. But the humour can lighten even the darkest of love-related bad moods I'm in.

7) Hawking- I won't lie, I watched it for Benedict Cumberbatch. However, I got so absorbed in the plot that I forgot entirely about the casting and was catapulted into the brilliant mind of Stephen Hawking. Beautifully done and I felt even better that I actually understood bits of what they were saying (CMBR in particular).

8) The Magdalene Sisters- an incredibly moving and harrowing film that I am undecided whether I should have watched or not. On the one hand I have so much more respect and sympathy for those who found themselves in such situations, but on the other it made sleeping very difficult and hasn't left me over a year later. Wonderful acting and a very well-written film.

9) Some Like It Hot- oh the classics! This was a brilliant film and had some brilliant lines. Sorry to overuse the word brilliant but it was a very good film and was... well... brilliant.

10) Skyfall- oooooh this was a good film! Judi Dench as M, Ben Whishaw (yes I'm a Whisker) and the "relationship" between Bond and Silva all added to making the film near-perfect. "Welcome to Scotland" remains my favourite line and the theme tune... don't even get me started.

So those are my maybe not favourite, but top 10 films that I feel were the most memorable for the right reasons. Whether you agree or disagree is up to you, but there is my list!

I promise I'll go back to my normal soppy self soon!