Wednesday 21 September 2011

The weight blob -sorry- blog

I have been told that I am not fat and to stop saying that I am. By a boy telling you that, it doesn't make you any more confident in yourself. At least, it doesn't for me. He has no idea what size means nowadays. It basically says: if you want what I define as a good-looking guy, you need to be a twiglet. A twiglet in skinny jeans and a low cut top, or basically a dress with very little fabric used where the pounds needed to buy it is higher than the amount of pounds that makes up you. 

I went into Hollister recently. This may not seem that big if you have never been anywhere near that kind of shop. They need to rethink their USP. It should be "Seriously anoexic? You will manage to fit into a S in our shop! But not an XS. You have to be a skeleton to reach that level.". I managed -just about- to fit into a large. Thinking back, I realise how optimistic I was to think I would fit into a so-called 'Medium'. I queued for about 45 minutes to be served by this tall, skinny man in his early twenties in a shirt and trousers. I spotted a female colluege of his in VERY short shorts and a strappy top, showing off their flat stomach. A very sexist shop. Or maybe just focused on its image? Either way, it makes me think that women need to focus on their appearance to get noticed. Makeup is part of it, but I think that size is everything.

Imagine you are in a fight, with one side trying to destroy the other. If it is between two average males in my area, they will fight until the end. If it is between two average females in my area, they will throw insults at eachother, until the final, destroying blow is dealt.
That word can kill.
Either emotionally it can break them down to tears, or force them to starve themselves.

Note, when people say "Wow! You look great!", they are normally going to finish that by saying "Have you lost weight?"
It is never
"Well done! You've put on a bit since we last met, great job!"
Why not? Why can't we praise people for not jumping with their pencil legs on the bandwagon?

I read in a newspaper a while back that we are getting fatter as a nation.  Alongside and article about how a girl got a letter that she was overweight, and when you look at her, she doesn't look it. I hope they did BMI as opposed to weight alone. But muscle weighs more than fat. So very fit people are branded 'heavier' than people that are the opposite. I would hate to get that letter. Just to get told that by a load of text... It sounds horrible. No wonder they complained. Don't tell people that they're overweight. Teach them what it means (but don't exaggerate it for the considering anorexic person) and let them do anything if they want. Have tastier, healthier food in canteens. They don't want rabbit food. Potato salad with a salad for dessert and fruit juice? That's mad.

I looked into some celebrity wives. Models. Skinny models is what came up most. The celebrity may not even be that good-looking but they have got a girlfriend that seems to equal the couple out as 'average looking'. I have no chance of being a model. I lost a load of weight when I was away and got wolf-whistled at, but they just help my point. No one looks twice at you when you are a size 10 or above. If you dip below that, you are suddenly popular. Well sorry. I'm not going to sacrifice my health for my modelling career.

If you're on the average side- good for you! If you exercise as well- fab! If you eat sensibly without being obsessed- take a gold star sticker and give yourself a pat on the back. Don't listen to the media. Listen to your health and you. Balance the two and you will feel great. I assure you. I've tried to do that all my life.